Holiday Values

It's been awhile since I've posted much, it's been pretty crazy around here.
I posted awhile back about stuffing stockings on the cheap at the dollar store.
I just wanted to touch breifly on xmas shopping again once more before the season ends..and that is to say, remember not to sell out your values this holiday season. I'm all for global markets and free trade, but I also believe our great nation is being sold out by it's own citizens for cheap, easier products that are made overseas.

At the dollar store(especially the Dollar Tree), walmarts, pharmacies, and stores around our nation you can find and purchase products made in the USA. Now, I'm not trying to say everything should be American made, but I do think we need to put a financial vote of confidence in ourselves once in awhile too, and not just in the economies of other nations. Many of the gifts and stocking stuffers I have bought so far are proudly American made, as is the speaker box in my American car.