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Tubular Recycle Bunnies!
This project is a fun way to have some easter fun AND make use of some left over scraps of paper and household supplies. The first step is to gather some emptied toliet paper rolls and some scratch paper. (Note on scratch paper: Best to have at least 1 side blank, make sure no one needs it anymore first!) Color the blank side of your scratch paper with colored pencils, crayons, pastels or wait until after you glue them if you choose to paint. Paste your paper skin on your tube, be sure to give your bunny ears, arms, and a face! These parts can be cut out of more paper, or drawn on with a marker.
Peeps In Space!
We all know our planet provides us with a lot of important things like a place to stand, produce food, and of course we can't forget water. But there's another great gift Earth provides that many of us take for granted every day - Atmosphere! Your children will be fascinated to realize this gift as they see a marshmallow Peep expand in the vacuum of space - AKA a food saver container. Special tools are required for this project, but they are not super expensive. We did invest in a $30 set of containers with air pump to perform this, and we didn't feel too bad about it because we knew we could use them to preserve food after the experiment. The children and I discussed atmosphere and what it does for us in the sense of holding us together, and then we made guesses about what would happen when we took that atmospheric pressure away. After our peeps were fully expanded we made guesses about what would happen when we let
air back in.

"Hand"made Easter Bunnies
Start with some construction paper and trace your childs hand. Fold the hand into the "I Love You" sign and glue it in place. Turn the hand over. Use markers to decorate your bunny, and more construction paper if you like. Draw the bunny's face, making the fingers his ears and the thumb to make a tasty carrot for your bunny!