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​Are you a hearing parent of a deaf child?
First of all, you're not alone. In fact, 90%* of the deaf population has hearing parents. If your child was just diagnosed as hard of hearing or deaf you might be feeling a bit lost and confused. I know I was. There are some very real challenges. Not only do you need to learn how to do this whole new amazing job(parenting), you now suddenly have to learn a new language in order to do your job. But your job of parenting is completely, 100% do-able! I promise you! There are almost surely resources within your local community and government to help you learn and progress! Seek them out, and take full advantage of them. And secondly, and most importantly, please..please...PLEASE, for the sake of that innocent and beautiful child, learn sign language. While 90%* of the deaf population has 2 hearing parents, 88%* of those parents don't know sign language. That is tragic and devestating! Who will your children talk to, if not to you? If you don't learn sign language for your child, then you are truly making their world a silent place. Learning ASL is the single most important thing (in this humble mum's opinion..) you can do for your h-o-h or deaf child.

ASL Dictionary
Coming Soon! We are currently working on a version of a simple and basic dictionary to help parents get started signing with their children, and to help hearing families sign to their babies. Please check back soon for updates.
Kids Projects
Children love to create, learn, and explore their world around them! What better way than with projects? We have a page of projects of various kinds including art, science, and more coming soon! Check back for updates.
Growing Up Deaf -
Check out our video below. This video was made possible by the wonderful people of alldeaf.com who opened up to me and shared their experiences, good and bad, on growing up deaf. This video is designed to make parents and relatives see the power they have, literally in their hands. The decisions you are making now is going to have a lasting impact on your child's world and sense of self acceptance, and your relationship with them in the future. Note* Song credit is incorrect, song has been changed to Bob Marley 3 Little Birds.