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In 2005 we became the parents of one beautiful and special little girl named Elizabeth. She was named Elizabeth Ann after the two strongest women I knew; Queen Elizabeth the 1st, and my mother Connie Ann. We had no idea at the time how much she would need that strength in life.
Lizzie was diagnosed with a bilateral sensineural hearing loss at 11 months old when she had her first seizure. In other words, she was born profoundly deaf in both ears. (She was also diagnosed with a cyst on her brain, a small brain, and periventriculargluclomalaysa, and later with epilepsy as well.) This is when we began learning sign language and trying to submerge ourselves into deaf culture. We <3 ASL was originally founded not as a resource for other families but as a resource for OURSELVES. We had a less than simple time finding deaf-culture products, books, and items for our hearing-impaired daughter and we could see her striving for culturally relative items just like our other daughters. She wanted something that related to her. Through our online store we were able to design products and clothing for Elizabeth that had characters with implants, hearing aids, and using sign language. Lizzie has loved and cherished every product we have ever designed her.
Over the years old products that we left in the shop after use started getting purchased by other families. We realized our position was faaaaar from unique, and so we set out to create a full website, designed to help families just like us. Our website has a parenting blog, fun projects that are great for children of all ages and abilities, parenting tips and strategies for working with special needs children (aren't they all? lol), a growing video sign language dictionary, fun deaf culture holiday printables, lesson plans, a full range of deaf culture themed products and clothing, and we're adding more to it all, all the time! So don't forget to bookmark us and check back often! Thank you and we hope you enjoy your time at our website!

Lizzie and Mom