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Baby Sign
Why sign with your baby? There's a ton of great reasons! First and foremost, we all know children who learn multiple languages early in life have higher IQ's than those who don't, so teaching your hearing child to sign alongside speaking is a great asset for them to have! Baby sign is simple, cute, and kind of cheeky. Below are some reasons to sign with your baby, and then the signs!
Reasons To Sign*:
Babie's who sign speak earlier and tend to have larger vocabularies
Replace crying with communication - the terrible 2's are all about a lack of communciation and frustration that can be virtually eliminated using Baby Sign. Does that mean using sign language gives your baby a perfect day every day? Ha. No. It does that for literally NO ONE. But your baby's human, give them room to have bad days just like anyone else and keep right on truckin' along. :)
A +12 point IQ advantage and higher grades over peers later in life
* Source - BabySignLanguage.com

Make the letter "a" and shake it slightly by your jaw

shake the letter "C" by the jaw a bit

Just like aunt, but with the letter "U" at the top of the face (masculine).

Shake the "C" by the forehead for a boy cousin
Sister / Brother Grandpa / Grandma
Baby's Family :
Baby's Day :
Milk -
Milk is one of the easier signs to master, both for parent and for baby. The reason for this is that the sign logically makes sense to you, and it is easy for those little hands to sign!
- It's like your milking a cow!