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The Quiet Room
Welcome to the Quiet Room! This is a special page just for new (and newly diagnosed) parents.
Before you go any further, I must insist you read the paper called "Welcome To Holland" by Emily Kingsley. Someone gave this to me when I first found out we were going to be learning ASL, and it is beautiful. It made me cry, made me face the reality of my emotions, and then I felt so refreshed and ready to love in the truest sense. When you're done with that, scroll down to read our story or check out some of the resources available for you.
Click here to read our journey through the world of learning ASL with our children.
Parenting Tips - Mom 2 Mom
I'm no expert, but I do have 10 years experience parenting both with a partner and as a single parent. I also bring with me all the experience I gained growing up in a large family, and all the wonderful wisdom my mother passed down before she passed away. Click here to read my list of tips for parenting success.
External Resources
Signing Time With Alex and Leah - a great resource that me and my daughter used a LOT in the early years!
ThatDeafGuy.com - Great comic strip centered around the humor of having a hearing/deaf family, love their work! We run their comics on our facebook page with the owners permission.
Daring Adventures - This is a group local to us in Phoenix, AZ that focuses on getting out and about for fun and physical recreation. We were recently directed towards them by a coach at PDSD who is affiliated with the group.