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Free Lesson Plans
Below is a list of lesson plans available for parents to use with their children. Please link back to us or let us know if you intend to redistribute them online, we have worked very hard on these.
Most lesson plans are a clickable link to the document. A few of our lesson plans do not require more than a small paragraph instruction and are only described on this page. Some lesson plans are several documents and clicking on their title will take you to a new page.
Small Children -
Washing Off Germs - (I don't know who originally wrote this lesson plan, I've seen it done a few different ways and even on the show Caillou.) There are 2 ways of doing this one with small children. The first method is to take your child to the sink with a bottle of glitter. Ask your child to get their hands wet, and then pour a generous amount of glitter on their hands. Ask them to pretend the glitter is germs, and now try to wash all the germs off their hands. Your child will find the task entertaining but challenging, and invokes the realization that we must wash well to get the germs off our hands. The second way is a bit more absurd, but fine if your super hands-on and don't mind a mess. You start in the same way, but instead of telling your child to wash it off, let them go play for a bit. When they are done, tell them to pretend the glitter is germs and see where all the germs spread to. Both ways are a wonderful and fun way to teach children about the importance of washing our hands and not spreading germs.
A basic worksheet for practicing the first 5 numbers in english, numerical, and ASL.
Elementary School Lessons -
Home Economics -
Kitchen Safety Review - This is a small test used to see how much your child has retained about being safe in the kitchen. Review the test before beginning your discussion on kitchen safety to see what information you are trying to pass along, and I will do my best to get a written discussion guide up soon.
Roasting A Whole Chicken Start to Finish - This lesson plan includes a plan outline packet, a worksheet, and an answer key. This lesson plan will guide you and your child through cooking a whole chicken start to finish without wasting any of the animal, and producing 2 delicious and healthy meals.
Math -
Practicing Math Symbols - This worksheet was designed specifically for one of my children who has a hard time noticing what sort of math she's supposed to be doing. Sometimes, she just rushes and adds when she should subtract, or vice versa. This work sheet helped her to slow down and find a sense of accomplishment in simply paying attention to the symbol. It also gave her practice identifying them, noticing their differences, and properly labeling them. Enjoy!
Cereal Math Board - This is a fun way to take cereal math to the next level. To make the board washable and sturdy, take a quick minute to laminate. The bottom pieces can be cut out and made into seperate cards to put between groups of cereal pieces, or you can use white erase marker after laminating to write them in. It's pretty simple, but should you have any questions about it feel free to contact us. (Links to mommy printables, scroll down and find "cereal math board")
Reading -
Reading Chart - This is a chart we keep laminated on our fridge at home. Each child's initial is put in the first block, and they can use a white erase marker to put a star on each day they have spent at least 20 minutes reading. At the end of the week whoever has faithfully read every single day will recieve one of the coupons they love so much, and I got to be honest...nobody's won one of them this way yet, but they still keep trying and it gives them a motivator to remember to read most of the week, even if they forget a day.