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Monkey Duck Method -
Okay, so it works like this...first you must train your children to associate the behavior with the animal. Discuss and observe how monkeys are playful, and ducks walk in a straight line with their arms down. Make it as fun as you can, practice every chance you can, and don't be afraid to reward good effort! It doesn't hurt a behaving child to be rewarded from time to time, but it does hurt a misbehaving child to be bribed, keep that in mind. Give it time, and do not expect instant perfection from small children.
Over time the kids will come to enjoy "monkey time" - "duck time" because they truly enjoy having a clear expectation of their behavior, and being able to meet that expectation. With that in mind, always give a little wiggle room. Do not set your kids up for task or expectations to high, they will fail and that could deter them from wanting to try again. When we have a slip up, be encouraging and get down to their level. This is what we have found worked very well.
Monkeys - Monkeys are playfull. They like to have fun. Monkey time is at home, grandparents homes, and their friends homes. It means we can be a little bit silly and have fun, so long as we're following the rules and playing safe.
Ducks - Ducks walk in a straight line and follow Mom. Daddy duck follows up the rear. When Daddy duck is not with us we walk in a line and Mommy walks next to the middle child in the line so she can watch them all. At the time, I had 3 kids so this worked perfectly. If you have many kids it might be more tricky without some bigger hands. Ducks keep their wings to themselves, walk in a straight line, and don't have time for distractions or silliness because they don't want to get left behind on the way to the pond! :) Duck time is ideal for stores, running errands, Mom & Dad's friends houses or relatives homes who are little less kid-friendly.
At the end of the day, if you get down on your childs level and communicate with each of them 1 on 1 about their behavior you will be surprised about how knowledgable they are, and how much they want to strive to have good behavior. Children love to be complimented, so be sure to compliment them often. Before you know it, total strangers will start complimenting them on their impressive behavior, and they will glow, and so will you, and everyone will be happy. :) Best wishes!