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Mason Jar Ice Cream
Okay, this is the recipe I use with my kids. Some of my kids prefer
heavier on milk, and heavier on cream so we settled here as a nice balance.
Mason Jars + Lids
Heavy Cream
Milk (We use whole, I guess you could use 2% but it won't taste as good)
Let me apologize in advance because this is one recipe I do NOT measure out anymore. I taste as I go and adjust as needed. It just tastes like melted ice cream before you freeze it n_n
Now, how this works is that an important part of making ice cream is agitating it. This incorporates air that allow ice crystals to form properly. Shockingly enough, kids love to agitate things. It's a match made in heaven!
First you need to decide how much ice cream you really want to end up with. We always make a batch big enough for everyone to have some, in a family of 6...so, we make quite a bit.
I start with about 2 or 3 cups of cream. Then I add a cup or so of milk. We wisk in about half a cup of sugar and a teaspoon of vanilla, then taste, and add more if needed.
Now that you have your ice cream mixture, you can pour it straight into the jars or you can give it a head start in the blender, which is what I do. I put the mix in a blender, and spin that puppy round a few times. Then we pour it into everyones jars and seal. My kids have tried adding strawberry and chocolate syrup to their mixes and although I didn't think it was quite as good as specifically making those flavors, they seemed to enjoy it.
Place the jars in the freezer and walk away for about an hour. When the time is up, return your children to the kitchen to agitate their ice cream. Give them each their jar, have them sit down and remind them to be careful, as the jars are cold and easy to drop. My children haven't dropped one yet, but we have come close! Shake the jars to your hearts content for a good few minutes, then put back in the freezer.
Now you can wait 2 hours to come back, and shake again. By this time you should see your ice cream is really beginning to slush. If you added syrup you might want to do a bit of stirring, too.
When dinner is over and the children have finished cleaning up after themselves we go to the freezer and everyone has a delicious jar of their favorite ice cream waiting for them!
Best of all, they're super proud because they made it, and I'm super proud because I know what's in it. Win-win.